Test Upsert Operations


from fastlite import *

Note: Make sure to use fastlite’s database() here

db = database(':memory:')
class People: id: int; name: str
people = db.create(People, pk='id')

Test Single Upserts

Here we test upsert()

Test Cases for upsert() Where Nothing Is Inserted

Test that calling upsert() without any parameters doesn’t change anything, and returns nothing


Test None doesn’t change anything.

count = people.count
assert people.upsert(None) == {}
assert people.count == count

Test empty dict doesn’t change anything

count = people.count
assert people.upsert({}) == {}
assert people.count == count
# Test empty dataclass doesn't change anything
PersonDC = people.dataclass()
count = people.count
assert people.upsert(PersonDC()) == {}
assert people.count == count
# Test empty class instance doesn't change anything
class EmptyPerson: pass
count = people.count
assert people.upsert(EmptyPerson()) == {}
assert people.count == count

Single Insert Types

Test upsert with keyword argument without id. Result should be a MissingPrimaryKey error

try: people.upsert(name='Alice')
except MissingPrimaryKey: print('Correct throwing of MissingPrimaryError')
Correct throwing of MissingPrimaryError

Use upsert to insert a new record via a dataclass. Since it can’t find the id, it adds the record

person = people.upsert(People(name='Alice', id=people.count+1))

Test upsert that updates with dataclass. Since it can find the id, it updates the record.

assert people.upsert(People(name='Bobba', id=person.id)).name == 'Bobba'

Use upsert to insert a new record via a class. Since it can’t find the id, it adds the record

count = people.count
class Student: pass
student = Student()
student.name = 'Daniel Greenfeld'
student.id = people.count+1

assert people.upsert(student).name == 'Daniel Greenfeld'
assert people.count == count+1

Test upsert that updates with class. Since it can find the id, it updates the record.

count = people.count
student = Student()
student.name = 'Daniel Roy Greenfeld'
student.id = person.id

assert people.upsert(student).name == 'Daniel Roy Greenfeld'
assert people.count == count

None and Empty String Handling

Test upserting a record with name set to None. First assert checks the method result, the second assert tests that the database was altered correctly.

result = people.upsert(People(name=None, id=person.id))
assert result.name is None
assert people[person.id].name is None

Test with empty string.

result = people.upsert(People(name='', id=person.id))
assert result.name == ''
assert people[person.id].name == ''

Other Cases

Test upserts with special characters. Let’s do updates first

assert people.upsert(People(name='O\'Connor', id=person.id)).name == "O'Connor"
assert people[person.id].name == "O'Connor"
assert people.upsert(People(name='José', id=person.id)).name == 'José'
assert people[person.id].name == "José"

Now test special characters with upserts that insert.

person = people.upsert(People(name='O\'Connor', id=people.count+1))
assert person.name == "O'Connor"
assert people[person.id].name == "O'Connor"
person = people.upsert(People(name='José', id=people.count+1))
assert person.name == "José"
assert people[person.id].name == "José"

Test dict upsert

assert people.upsert({'name': 'Dict Test', 'id': person.id}).name == 'Dict Test'

Test that extra fields raise fastlite.SqlError

    p = people.upsert(dict(name='Extra', age=25, title='Dr', id=person.id))
except SQLError as e:
    assert e.args[0] == 'no such column: age'