as_command (rich_help_panel:str, remove_call_parse:bool=True, no_args_is_help:bool=False)
Decorator that converts a function to an nbz command.
Type | Default | Details | |
rich_help_panel | str | Which CLI panel to put command in | |
remove_call_parse | bool | True | Whether or not this function has had call_parse attached |
no_args_is_help | bool | False | Default to help if no args passed |
delegates_sorted (to:function=None, keep=False, but:list=None)
Decorator: replace **kwargs
in signature with params from to
. Sorts arguments.
Type | Default | Details | |
to | function | None | Delegatee |
keep | bool | False | Keep kwargs in decorated function? |
but | list | None | Exclude these parameters from signature |
bump_version (part:int)
*Bump the version of a project in settings.ini
and __version__
. PART must be 0, 1, or 2.
nbz bump-version 0
will increment a 0.0.1 to 1.0.1nbz bump-version 1
will increment a 0.0.1 to 0.1.1nbz bump-version 2
will increment a 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
Learn more*
Type | Details | |
part | int | Zero index of the part to change. |
unbump_version (confirm:bool=False)
*Unbump the version of a project in settings.ini
and __version__
nbz unbump-version
will prompt the user to confirm the unbumpnbz unbump-version --confirm
won’t prompt the user
Learn more*
Type | Default | Details | |
confirm | bool | False | Confirm before unbumping |
check ()
*Check that all the components are configured.
nbz check
Learn more*
export (path:typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path,<typer.models.ArgumentInfoobje ctat0x7fe65536ab00>], procs:Annotated[List[fastcore.basics.Procs] ,<typer.models.OptionInfoobjectat0x7fe65536aa10>]=['black_format' ], file_glob:str='*.ipynb', file_re:str=None, folder_re:str=None, skip_file_glob:str=None, skip_file_re:str='^[_.]', skip_folder_re:str='^[_.]', symlinks:bool=False)
*Export notebooks in path
to Python modules.
nbz export .
nbz export path/to/notebook
Learn more*
Type | Default | Details | |
path | str | None | Path to notebooks |
procs | Annotated | [‘black_format’] | |
file_glob | str | *.ipynb | Only include files matching glob |
file_re | str | None | Only include files matching regex |
folder_re | str | None | Only enter folders matching regex |
skip_file_glob | str | None | Skip files matching glob |
skip_file_re | str | ^[_.] | Skip files matching regex |
skip_folder_re | str | ^[_.] | Skip folders matching regex |
symlinks | bool | False | Follow symlinks? |
export_nb (target:typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path,<typer.models.ArgumentInf oobjectat0x7fe656944760>], name:typing.Annotated[str,< dels.OptionInfoobjectat0x7fe656944940>]=None, lib_path:typing. Annotated[str,<typer.models.OptionInfoobjectat0x7fe656933100>] =None, debug:store_true=False)
*Export a single nbdev notebook to a python script.
nbz export-nb path/to/notebook.ipynb
Learn more*
Type | Default | Details | |
target | Annotated | ||
name | str | None | Name of python script {name}.py to create. |
lib_path | str | None | Path to destination library. If not in a nbdev project, defaults to current directory. |
debug | store_true | False | Debug flag |
install ()
*Installs Quarto and the current library.
For Linux and Mac will request your system password. For Windows, will print installation instructions. Example:
nbz install
Learn more*
new (target:typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path,<typer.models.ArgumentInfoobjec tat0x7fe656964c40>], allowed_cell_metadata_keys='', allowed_metadata_keys='', audience='Developers', author:str=None, author_email:str=None, black_formatting:<function bool_arg>=False, branch:str=None, cell_number:<function bool_arg>=True, cfg_name:str='settings.ini', clean_ids:<function bool_arg>=True, clear_all:<function bool_arg>=False, copyright:str=None, custom_sidebar:<function bool_arg>=False, description:str=None, doc_baseurl='/%(repo)s', doc_host='https://%(user)', doc_path:pathlib.Path='_docs', git_url='', jupyter_hooks:<function bool_arg>=False, keywords='nbdev jupyter notebook python', language='English', lib_name='%(repo)s', lib_path:pathlib.Path=None, license='apache2', min_python='3.7', nbs_path:pathlib.Path='nbs', path:str='.', put_version_in_init:<function bool_arg>=True, readme_nb='index.ipynb', recursive:<function bool_arg>=True, repo:str=None, skip_procs:str='', status='3', title='%(lib_name)s', tst_flags='notest', user:str=None, version='0.0.1')
*Create an nbdev project. If the target directory does not exist, creates it.
In your current directory:
nbz new .
In a different directory:
nbz new my-project
Learn more*
Type | Default | Details | |
target | Annotated | ||
allowed_cell_metadata_keys | str | Preserve the list of keys in cell level metadata | |
allowed_metadata_keys | str | Preserve the list of keys in the main notebook metadata | |
audience | str | Developers | Intended audience PyPI classifier |
author | str | None | Package author’s name |
author_email | str | None | Package author’s email address |
black_formatting | bool_arg | False | Format libraries with black? |
branch | str | None | Repo default branch |
cell_number | bool_arg | True | Add cell number to the exported file |
cfg_name | str | settings.ini | Name of config file to create |
clean_ids | bool_arg | True | Remove ids from plaintext reprs? |
clear_all | bool_arg | False | Remove all cell metadata and cell outputs? |
copyright | str | None | Copyright for the package, defaults to ‘current_year onwards, author ’ |
custom_sidebar | bool_arg | False | Use a custom sidebar.yml? |
description | str | None | Short summary of the package |
doc_baseurl | str | /%(repo)s | Base URL for docs |
doc_host | str | https://%(user) | Hostname for docs |
doc_path | Path | _docs | Path to rendered docs |
git_url | str | | Repo URL |
jupyter_hooks | bool_arg | False | Run Jupyter hooks? |
keywords | str | nbdev jupyter notebook python | Package keywords |
language | str | English | Language PyPI classifier |
lib_name | str | %(repo)s | Package name |
lib_path | Path | None | Path to package root (default: repo with - replaced by _ ) |
license | str | apache2 | License for the package |
min_python | str | 3.7 | Minimum Python version PyPI classifier |
nbs_path | Path | nbs | Path to notebooks |
path | str | . | Path to create config file |
put_version_in_init | bool_arg | True | Add the version to the main in nbdev_export |
readme_nb | str | index.ipynb | Notebook to export as repo readme |
recursive | bool_arg | True | Include subfolders in notebook globs? |
repo | str | None | Repo name |
skip_procs | str | A comma-separated list of processors that you want to skip | |
status | str | 3 | Development status PyPI classifier |
title | str | %(lib_name)s | Quarto website title |
tst_flags | str | notest | Test flags |
user | str | None | Repo username |
version | str | 0.0.1 | Version of this release |
release_git (confirm_release:typing.Annotated[bool,<typer.models.OptionIn foobjectat0x7fe656932980>]=False, token:str=None)
*Tag and create a release in GitHub for the current version.
nbz release-git
Learn more [](*
Type | Default | Details | |
confirm_release | Annotated | False | |
token | str | None | Optional GitHub token (otherwise token file is used) |