= await get_page()
page await page.goto('http://example.org')
<Response url='http://example.org/' request=<Request url='http://example.org/' method='GET'>>
get_page (*args, stealth=False, **kwargs)
<Response url='http://example.org/' request=<Request url='http://example.org/' method='GET'>>
page_ready (page, pause=50, timeout=5000)
Waith until main content of page
is ready
frames_ready (page, pause=50, timeout=5000)
Wait until all visible frames (if any) on page
are ready
wait_page (page, pause=50, timeout=5000)
Wait until page and visible frames (if any) on page
are ready
get_full_content (page)
Tuple of page content and dict of frames’ content
read_page_async (url, pause=50, timeout=5000, stealth=False, page=None)
Return contents of url
and its iframes using Playwright async
read_page (url, pause=50, timeout=5000, stealth=False, page=None)
Return contents of url
and its iframes using Playwright
h2md (h)
Convert HTML h
to markdown using `HTML2Text
url2md_async (url, sel=None, pause=50, timeout=5000, stealth=False, page=None)
Read url
with read_page
, optionally selecting CSS selector sel
url2md (url, sel=None, pause=50, timeout=5000, stealth=False, page=None)
Read url
with read_page
get2md (url, sel=None, params:QueryParamTypes|None=None, headers:HeaderTypes|None=None, cookies:CookieTypes|None=None, auth:AuthTypes|None=None, proxy:ProxyTypes|None=None, follow_redirects:bool=False, verify:ssl.SSLContext|str|bool=True, timeout:TimeoutTypes=Timeout(timeout=5.0), trust_env:bool=True)
Read url
with httpx.get